
So far, we were only able to move (Un)Boxables to and from Julia. In some applications, this can be quite limiting. To address this, jluna provides a user-interface for making any C++ type (Un)Boxable.

Hint: A usertype is any type not defined by the standard library or jluna itself.

Usertype Interface#

Consider the following C++ class:

// class representing color in the RGBA system
struct RGBA
    float _red;     // red component, in [0,1]
    float _green;   // green component, in [0, 1]
    float _blue;    // blue component, in [0, 1]
    float _alpha;   // transparency, in [0, 1]
    // construct
    RGBA(float r, float g, float b)
        : _red(r), _green(g), _blue(b), _alpha(1)

While it may be possible to manually translate this class into a Julia-side NamedTuple, this is rarely the best option. For more complex classes, this is often not possible at all. To make classes like this (Un)Boxable, we use jluna::Usertype<T>, the usertype interface.

Step 1: Making the Type Compliant#

For a type T to be manageable by Usertype<T>, it needs to be default constructable. RGBA currently has no default constructor, so we need to add it:

C++ Hint: The default constructor of type T is T(). It can sometimes be declared as T() = default, see here.

struct RGBA
    float _red;
    float _green;
    float _blue;
    float _alpha;
    RGBA(float r, float g, float b)
        : _red(r), _green(g), _blue(b), _alpha(1)
    // added default ctor
        : _red(0), _green(0), _blue(0), _alpha(1)

If the type T is not default constructable, a static assertion is raised at compile time.

Step 2: Enabling the Interface#

To make jluna aware that we will be using the usertype interface for RGBA, we need to enable it at compile time. To do this, we use the set_usertype_enabled macro, executed in non-block scope.

C++ Hint: Non-block scope (also called “global scope”) is any scope that is not inside a namespace, function, struct, or block. As an example, int main() has to be declared in global scope.

struct RGBA
    /* ... */

// enable usertype at compile time

This sets up Usertype<T> for us. Among other things, it declares the Julia-side name of RGBA. This name is that same as the C++ side name, "RGBA" in our case.

Step 3: Adding Property Routines#

To add a property for RGBAs _red, we use the following function (at runtime):

Julia Hint: In usage, both properties and fields have the exact same syntax. In C++, we would call these “members”. For this section, all three terms will be used interchangeably.

Usertype<RGBA>::add_property<Float32>(     // template argument
    "_red_jl",                             // field name
    [](RGBA& in) -> Float32 {              // boxing routine
        return in._red;
    [](RGBA& out Float32 red_jl) -> void { // unboxing routine
        out._red = red_jl;

This call has a lot going on, so it’s best to investigate it closely.

Firstly, we have the template argument, Float32. This decides the Julia-side type of the Julia-side instances field.

The first argument is the Julia-side instances’ fields name. Usually, we want this name to be the same as C++-side, _red, but to avoid confusion for this section only, the C++-side field is called _red while the corresponding Julia-side field is _red_jl.

The second argument of add_property is called the boxing routine. This function always has the signature (T&) -> Property_t, where T is the usertype-manage type (RGBA for us) and Property_t is the type of the field (Float32). The boxing routine governs what value to assign the corresponding Julia-side field. In our case, it takes a C++-side instance of RGBA, accesses the value that instances _red, then assigns it to the Julia-side instances’ _red_jl.

The third argument is optional, it is called the unboxing routine. It always has the signature (T&, Property_t) -> void. When a Julia-side instance of RGBA is moved back C++-side, the unboxing routine governs what value the now C++-sides RGBA fields _red will be assigned. If left unspecified, the value will be the value set by the default constructor. In our case, we assign _red the value of _red_jl, which is the second argument of the unboxing routine.

In summary:

  • the template argument governs the Julia-side type of the field

  • the first argument is the name of the Julia-side field

  • the boxing routine decides what value the Julia-side field will be assigned when moving the object C++ -> Julia

  • the unboxing routine decides what value the C++-side field will be assigned when moving the object Julia -> C++

Now that we know how to add fields, we can do so for _green, _blue and _alpha:

// in namespace scope
struct RGBA
    float _red;
    float _green;
    float _blue;
    float _alpha;
    RGBA(float r, float g, float b)
        : _red(r), _green(g), _blue(b), _alpha(1)
        : _red(0), _green(0), _blue(0), _alpha(1)

// ###

// in function scope, i.e. inside main

// add field _red
    "_red", // now named `_red`, not `_red_jl`
    [](RGBA& in) -> float {return in._red;},
    [](RGBA& out, float in) -> void {out._red = in;}

// add field _green
    [](RGBA& in) -> float {return in._green;},
    [](RGBA& out, float in) -> void {out._green = in;}

// add field _blue
    [](RGBA& in) -> float {return in._blue;},
    [](RGBA& out, float in) -> void {out._blue = in;}

// add field _alpha
    [](RGBA& in) -> float {return in._alpha;},
    [](RGBA& out, float in) -> void {out._alpha = in;}

Note that, now, the Julia-side field is actually called _red, which is better style than the _red_jl we used only for clarity.

To illustrate that properties do not have to directly correspond with members of the C++ class, we’ll add another Julia-side-only field that represents the value component from the HSV color system (sometimes also called “lightness”). It is defined as the maximum of red, green and blue:

// add Julia-only field _value
    [](RGBA& in) -> float {
        float max = 0;
        for (auto v : {in._red, in._green, in._blue})
            max = std::max(v, max);
        return max;

We leave the unboxing routine for _value unspecified, because the C++-side instance does not have any corresponding field to assign to.

Step 4: Implementing the Type#

Having added all properties to the usertype interface, we make the Julia state aware of the interface by calling:

// in main

This creates a new Julia-side type that has the architecture we just gave it. For end-users, this happens automatically.

Internally, the following expression is assembled and evaluated:

mutable struct RGBA
    RGBA() = new(0.0f0, 0.0f0, 0.0f0, 1.0f0, 0.0f0)

We see that jluna assembled a mutable structtype, whose field names and types are as specified. Even the order in which we called add_property for specific names is preserved. This becomes important for the default constructor (a constructor that takes no arguments). The default values for each of the types’ fields, are those of an unmodified, default-initialized instance of T (RGBA() in our case). This is why the type needs to be default constructable.

If we want the type to be implemented in a different module, we can specify this module (as a jluna::Module) as an argument to Usertype<T>::implement.

If we desire additional constructors, we can simply add them as external constructors in the same scope the usertype was implemented in:

// add additional, external constructor
    function RGBA(r::Float32, g::Float32, b::Float32, a::Float32) ::RGBA
        out = RGBA()
        out._red = r
        out._green = g
        out._blue = b
        out._alpha = a
        out._value = max(r, g, b, a)

        return out

Step 5: Usage#

After Usertype<RGBAB>::implement(), we can use RGBA just like any other (Un)Boxable type:

// create new variable and assign it a RGBA
Main.create_or_assign("jl_rgba", RGBA(1, 0, 1));

// print value of that variable

// print fieldnames of the Julia-side type
RGBA(1.0f0, 0.0f0, 1.0f0, 1.0f0)
(:_red, :_green, :_blue, :_alpha, :_value)

Julia Hint: Base.fieldnames takes a type (not an instance of a type) and returns the symbols of a types fields, in order.

We see that now, Main.RGBA is a proper Julia type and jl_rgba got the correct values according to each field’s boxing / unboxing routine.

The same applies when moving Main.RGBA from Julia to C++:

// create a Julia-side RGBA and assign it to a C++-side RGBA
RGBA cpp_rgba = Main.safe_eval("return RGBA(0.5, 0.5, 0.3, 1.0)");

// print member values
std::cout << cpp_rgba._red << " ";
std::cout << cpp_rgba._green << " ";
std::cout << cpp_rgba._blue << " ";
0.5 0.5 0.3

Example Summary#

This section was quite complicated, a fully working main.cpp replicating this RGBA example can be found here. Users are encouraged to play with it, to further their understanding of the usertype interface.

Usertype: Additional Member Functions#

In addition to functions used for steps outlined in this section, Usertype<T> offers the following additional members / member functions:

  • Usertype<T>::original_type

    • typedef equal to T

  • is_enabled()

    • was set_usertype_enabled called for T

  • get_name()

    • get the Julia side name of T after unboxing

  • is_implemented()

    • was implement called at least once for this T

Lastly, after implement was called, the as_julia_type<Usertype<T>> template meta function will work, just like it would for other (Un)Boxables.